The project

HiCIBaS (High Contrast Imaging Balloon System) is a balloon borne telescope project and instrument. This work is supported by the FAST program, granted by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). This grant gives an opportunity to train highly qualified personnel by supporting projects involving students and young researchers. Furthermore, the team has access to the facilities and personnel of the STRATOS program from CSA which gives academic and industrial projects a way to perform scientific experiments at stratospheric altitudes using balloon flights. This provides a way for small teams to test new equipments and novel experiments in near space conditions.

Phase 2 (2019- )

Building on gained experience and knowledge, HiCIBaS-II is an opportunity for the team to:

  • Develop and test an adaptive optics system at 36-40 km altitude
  • Measure and gather data in various atmospherical conditions
  • Gain knowledge on the high altitude atmospheric dynamics
  • Fly optical systems and Canadian technologies in space-like conditions

Phase 1 (2015-2018)

HiCIBaS-I was aiming at testing high contrast imaging equipement in space-like conditions. We pursued several goals:

  • Develop and test a new type of Low-Order WaveFront Sensor (LOWFS)
  • Develop and test a sub-milli-arcsecond-level pointing system
  • Gather data on and study high-altitude wavefront instabilities and errors
  • Test optical components (DM, Coronagraph) for future high contrast imaging missions
  • Fly the technology in space-like conditions

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